CYMK Choir 40th Anniversary


Welcome by E. Jereniuk

1. Song about Ukraine I. Shamo

2. The Golden Sun Shone I. Nedilsky

3. I’ll Put on my Shoes M. Lysenko, Soloist L. Faryna

4. Comic Song – Take Me to the Wedding arr. I Olijnyk

5. The Spreading Periwinkle H. Davydovsky

6. Wild Tree in the Village M. Verykivsky, Soloist L. Faryna

7. The Long Road P. Maiboroda, Soloists M. Karpiak, J. Bodnar

8. Ducks on the Pond M. Leontovych

9. I’m Quite a Brunette arr. R. Soltykewych, accordionist J. Bodnar

10. Cherubimic Hymn D. Bortniansky

11. Mercy and Peace

12. Holy, Holy

13. We sing to Thee D. Bortniansky, Soloists L. Faryna, I. Pelech, H. Magus, My. Karpiak, J. Bodnar

14. Our Father (Lord’s Prayer) M. Leontovych

15. Falling Cherry Blossoms V. Vermenych, Girls’ CYMK Choir

16. Do You Know? M. Fedoriv, Girls’ CYMK Choir

17. Dark Eyes A. Omelcheno, Girls’ CYMK Choir


Sopranos: Myroslava Chomiak, Mary Ann Chorney, Christine Faryna, Leona Faryna, Theresa Forget, Katia Horobec, Eleanor Janis, Gladys Magega, Lesia Magusiak, Anna Melnychuk, Elena Melnychuk, Leone Melynchuch, Brenda Muzyka, Darcia Ponich, Mariane Shemeluck, Joyce Slade, Patricia Tomniuk, Iris Woroniuk.

Altos: Laresa Chomiak, Susan Ferbey, Elaine Gordey, Darlene Hrynchuk, Leslie Janis, Eugenia Jereniuk, Anna-Marie Kryshchuk, Helene Magus, Linda Melnychuk, Johanne Pelech, Lorna Salamandick, Cheryl Sawchyn, Mary-Ann Wasylynchuk.

Tenors: Michael Cheladyn, Bohdan Chomiak, Eugene Fedorkiw, Myron Karpiak, Borys Petriw, Roman Petriw, Michael Prokopiw, Ihor Stus, Bill Zwozdesky.

Basses: Joseph Bodnar, Max Chorney, Bob Gordica, Duane Hohol, Nick Horobec, George Kalishchuk, Barry Kapiak, Nestor Maslo, Steve Melnychuk, Andrew Pelech, Anton Yereniuk.

About the Edmonton CYMK Choir

The Canadian Ukrainian Youth Association (CYMK) Choir of Edmonton was first formed in 1966 by its founder and permanent conductor, Roman Soltykewych, as a choir of St. John’s Cathedral. In the spring of 1967 and 1968, this choir participated in the Edmonton Musical Festivals, winning first place in the categories in which it was entered. It also participated in the Rotary Coral Festivals, an annual event in Edmonton. During these years, there were numerous performances for Christmas radio programs, Ukrainian Independence Day and Schevchenko concerts, parish holidays, youth concerts, as well as appearances with SHUMKA and the Dnipro Male Chorus. In addition, the choir extensively performed on various occasions in many rural communities.

One of the most ambitious undertakings of the choir was the learning of the entire Divine Liturgy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Mr. Soltykewych and the choir achieved this desired goal on April 15th, 1967. Tears of joy streamed down the faces of the congregation as the CYMK choir prayerfully sang a completed Liturgy. (This was the first time in the history of the Ukrainian people in Canada that a young people’s choir achieved this). It was, indeed, a dream come true. In July of the same year, the choir was flown to Toronto, where they sang the Liturgy during the Dominion CYC Convention, and also participated in the Convention concert, winning enthusiastic acclaim.

In 1968, the Choir participated in similar fashion at the Golden Anniversary of the Ukrainian Greek-Orthodox Church of Canada in Saskatoon. It also participated t the celebration of the same event by the Western Diocese of the Church held in the Jubilee Auditorium in Edmonton, and also at the 1969 Dominion CYC Convention, also in Edmonton.

As a fitting prelude to the 40th Anniversary celebrations of CYMK, the choir was enlarged to embrace members from four Edmonton branches, and thus became the All-Edmonton CYMK Choir. CYMK 40th Anniversary observances were held in Saskatoon on July 1, 1971. There the Edmonton CYMK Choir sang the opening Divine Liturgy, and also presented an inspired and enthralling performance during the Anniversary concert held in the Centennial Auditorium.

Through the initiative of its dynamic conductor, Roman Soltykewych and the devoted efforts of its members, the Choir presents a second recording of typical choral music, towards the preservation of which the choir is singularly dedicated.

With the release of this record, the Edmonton CYMK Choir salutes the 40th Anniversary of the Canadian Ukrainian Youth Association.

Source: LP Cover