Weave Ukrainian Melodies

Jimmy Watsko ~ Violin and leader
Verna Watsko ~ Vocalist and guitar
Marvin Kropielniski ~ Accordion
Edwin Fedun ~ Bass

Producer: Kenneth Huculak
Heritage Records, Edmonton Alberta


Music is both language and history. Through music people bear their souls. Ukrainian music in particular reflects the people’s happy and sad times – their moments of victory and their moments of despair. Such are the moods reflected in this album where Jimmy Watsko and His Lumberjacks weave, with a new flair, traditional and original Ukrainian Melodies into the Canadian mosaic of music.

The story of Ukrainian people is one of struggle for freedom and national identity. In Canada, their struggle and cultural contributions have been well documented. The author, J. G. MacGregor, in his book, Vilni Zemli, writes the story of the Ukrainian settlement in Alberta, and refers to “These people of great courage, tremendous energy and unique culture, who came to Canada under greater handicaps than most settlers – and won through to success. By their patience, their perseverance and their perspiration, these peasants, these people once regarded as somewhat less than human, these Bohunks, have found the freedom they sought, have partaken of the democracy of which they enriched immeasurably the country that harboured them.

Jimmy Watsko and His Lumberjacks reflect well the second and third generation of Ukrainian-Canadians, who, like the early pioneers enrich Canadian life by the retention of the values and arts of their grandparents. Jimmy Watsko, a second generation Ukrainian-Canadian, was proclaimed the Golden Fiddle Champion of Alberta. Along with his wife Verna, the group’s vocalist, and Lumberjacks Marvin Kropielniski and Edwin Fedun, the group are well known in in central Alberta for their music at dances, weddings, special festivals and radio programs.

Both Verna and Jimmy compose original music and popularize traditional Ukrainian melodies. Marvin Kropielniski, third generation Ukrainian-Canadian, is the group’s piano accordionist, and has contributed an original number to this album. Edwin Fedun, electric bass, pays tribute to his pioneer grandfather who encouraged him early into music and who is still an active Ukrainian musician.


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Source: LP Cover