Play, Gypsy, Play

Ron. E. Lakusta ~ Fiddle (violin)
Ed Slepanki ~ Accordion
Ray Armitage ~ Guitar
Nick Mischi (Miskew) ~ Dulcimer
Rick Sanchez ~ Drums
Ian Armitage ~ Bass
Ray Titiryn (guest artist) ~ Alto and tenor saxophone

Gypsy Ladies ~ Marlene Lakusta, Inez Armitage, Shooshauna Yaremchuk and Olivia Walcheske

Music producer: Ken Huculak of Heritage Records and Ron Lakusta
Sound producer: Garry L. McDonall
Recorded at: Damon/Soundtrack Studios
Edmonton, Alberta 2003


Gypsies are members of a wandering, dark-haired, dark-skinned Caucasian people believed to have migrated throughout Europe from border regions between Iran and India. This took place in the 14th and 15th centuries. They were found in countries such as Ukraine, Romania, Poland, Russia, Hungary, Czechoslavakia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Scotland, England, countries of the Middle East, etc. Gypsies in the 19th century and the early 20th centuries migrated from Europe to the Americas.

The gypsies have been known as entertainers in every country they have travelled and lived in. They were skilled acrobats, bear trainers, horse trainers, musicians, dancers, and singers. They owned and operated traveling carnivals and circuses.

They were prized by royalty as court musicians for their mastery of musical styles. Gypsies have contributed their own unique styles to middle eastern music in countries such as Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Spain, Russia, Poland, etc., Jewish Klezmar music, flamenco music and dance, and jazz. They have influenced other artists in their music and art, among them Liszet, Bizet, Brahams, Dvorak, Verdi, Rachmaninov, and Bartok.

This CD is dedicated to all gypsies and their contributions to the world for their wonderful and beautiful musical offerings. (Written by Ron E. Lakusta)

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Source: CD Brochure