First Star

Conductor: Yuliya Martishuk
Executive Producers: Daniel Bridges and Taras Zakordonski
Recorded at St. John’s Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in 2001

About the Choir

Founded in 1966 by the late Roman Soltykewych, the Edmonton CYMK Choir and Ensemble has participated in countless Divine Liturgies, weddings, festivals, concerts, tours and workshops nationwide.

Since its inception, the CYMK Choir has recorded four albums of traditional Ukrainian folk and sacred songs. In recognition and commemoration of its 35-year existence, the CMYK Choir undertook and completed a project befitting such as milestone – a compilation of traditional Ukrainian Christmas Carols entitled First Star.

Choir Members

Sopranos: Maria Derewianka, Iryna Grytsiv, Anne-Marie Haugen, Tamara Kreptul, Andrea Opyr, Larissa Opyr, Alexandra Semenko, Andrea Sendziak, Ariana Zwozdesky

Altos: Corinna Crockett, Alysha Kanasevich, Yuiya Nadejina, Tina Sawchuk, Bailey Thorpe, Nadia Ussyk, Natasha Zakordonski

Tenors: Daniel Bridges, Nathan Chmilar, Lukian Opyr, Tim Sousa, Damein Zadordonski

Basses: Nathaniel Bayduza, Peter Haugen, David Kozak, Chris Tyrkalo, Taras Zakordonski

Source: CD Brochure