
    Heaven and Earth

    Choral Director: Dr. John I. Mayba
    Artistic Director: Mr. Ben Wasylyshen
    Iconostasis Design: Mr. Yuri Kodak
    Pianist: Irene Chuchman
    Bandurists: Natalia Lebedin, Angela Saranchuk
    Guitar: Rev. Father Alexander Harkavy

    Recorded at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral, Winnipeg in 1999 – 2000

    About the Choir

    The concept of establishing the Metropolitan’s Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral for all Canada began in the 1940’s through the vision of many Ukrainian Orthodox faithful across Canada. Through the hard work, effort and prayers of clergy and laity alike, this dream came to fruition. In 1946, the Parish of the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral was founded and established in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

    Simultaneously, the Cathedral Choir was born under the direction of Mr. Walter V. Bohonos. He continued his tenure until 1993. During these many decades the choir participated in significant religious events, commemorations, and radio recordings for the CBC. In 1993 with the retirement of Mr. Bohonos, Dr. John Mayba continued the glorious choral tradition of Ukrainian Orthodox Sacred Music with the Cathedral Choir. With the commitment of 50 members, the Choir sang weekly liturgies. They also frequently appeared on radio and television broadcasts while developing new repertoire for its recordings.

    Choir Members

    : S. Balas, D. Hardy, M. Kowalchuk, E. Krawchenko, L. Kruk, N. Lebedin, J. Luchak, K. Luchak, O. Luchak, M. Maruschak, P. Maruschak, S. Petrow, T. Rodionov, E. Salamon, A. Saranchuk, D. Smorang, S. Sobkowicz, E. Wayslyshen, N. Yarmie

    Altos: G. Armstrong, N. Chapur, L. Horocholyn, P. Ignash, I. Krawchuk, L. Lazarowich, S. Lebedin, H. Mayba, M. Panchuk, J. Radchuk, C. Romanyk, L. Shchudlo, C. Sobkowicz

    Tenors: W. Drewniak, A Harkavy, B. Krawchuk, I. Maluzynsky, R. Palaschuk, S. Radchuk, P. Shawarsky

    Basses: M. Kortchevich, T. Luchak, P. Mayba, W. Saranchuk, B. Wasylyshen, O. Zmiyiwsky

    External Links

    Source: CD Brochure