Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
Conductor: Alice Chumer
Photo: Roman Petriw
Sound engineer: Garry Macdonald
Post recording: Bohdan Tymyc
Recorded by: Damon Studios
Recorded at: St. John’s Cathedral, Edmonton Alberta
Recorded in: June 1986
- Great Litany
- Bless the Lord, O My Soul – Small Litany
- Praise My Soul, Glory to Thee, O Only Begotten Son – Small Litany
- In Thy Kingdom – arr. R. Soltykewych
- Come, Let Us Worship
- O Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal
- Prokeimenon – 4th tone
- Alleluia
- Litany of Supplication
- Chrubimic Hymn – Litany of oblation
- Father and Son
- Confession of Faith – arr. S. Eremenko
- A Mercy of Peace, A Sacrifice of Praise
- It is Meet and Right – Litany of intercession
- Lord’s Prayer
- One is Holy and Let us Praise the Lord from the Heavens
- Blessed is He that Cometh
- We have seen the True Light – arr. S. Eremenko
- Let our Lips be Filled with Your Praise – Litany of Thanksgiving
- Blessed be the Name of the Lord
- Prayer for Ukraine – M. Lysenko
The Millenium Choir of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Western Diocese, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada produced this recording. The Choir members were: (see photograph above):
First row: Clergy – V/Rev. O. Flak, Bishop John, V/Rev. D. Luchak, V/Rev. M. Kryschuk
Second row: Cecilia Kreptul, Lillian Ewasiuk, Katya Starchuk, Lovett Saskiw, Iris Blower, Emilie Gorgichuk, Roma Gauk, Gloria Zaharia, Lesia Chumer, Prof. Sergei Eremenko, Myroslawa Fodchuk, Ester Mosychuk, Natalka Faryna, Jean Naciuk, Viccy Zukiwsky, Adele Sawchyn, Lesia Petriw, Mary Koshman.
Third row: Jane Luchak, Mary Dymianiw, Alexnadra Yakimchuk, Mary Shupenia, Justine Truch, Sophie Rygus, Kay Shipka, Pearl Witwicki, Mary Sawchuk, Nedeya Bodnar, Katherine Rozak, Elisabeth Prokipchur, Maria Eremenko, Sylvia Gorchynski.
Fourth row: Dmytro Petriw, Taras Hnatiuk, Barney Chrusch, Andrew Melnychuk, Fred Horobec, Nick Rozak, Taras Hawryliw, Walter Koshman, Nick Odowichuk, John Hrushka, Marion Hnatiuk.
Fifth row: Joe Melnyk, Peter Prokopiw, George Elaschuk, Nicholas Bodnar, Steve Gorgichuk, Eugene Yereniuk, Harry Mosychuk, Harry Hohol, Walter Zukiwsky, NJestor Holychuk, Boris Mlenyk, John Shupenia, William Rygus, Mie Sawchyn, John Kreptul.
Absent: Vera Prokop, Johanne Pelech, Olesia Talpash, Nadia Korpus, Alec Hayduk, Harry Prokopchuk, William Strashok.
Source: LP Cover