We have seen the True Light: Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Conductor: Irena Tarnawsky
Production team: Garth Hobden, Arktos Recordings, Natalia Onyschuk, Gloria Zaharia, Ksenia Maryniak, Maria Dytyniak, Andrij Hornjatkevyc, John Huk, Olesia Talpash and Lilea Wolanska.
Design: Michael Burrows, Off-World Productions
Layout: Mike Fillinger, Paragraphics
Photos: John Huk
Recorded at: St. George’s Ukrainian Catholic Parish
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2005


  1. How Glorious Our Lord – lyr. Mikhail Kheraskov (1733-1807); music Dmytro Bortniansky (1751-1825)
  2. Great Litany (Litany of Peace) – Oleksander Koshyts (1875-1944)
  3. Psalm 102: Bless the Lord, O My Soul – Greek chant
  4. Hymn to the Only-Begotten Son – Bortniansky
  5. Small Litany – Myron Fedoriv (1907-96)
  6. The Beatitudes – Greek chant
  7. Small Entrance and Troparia – Galician plainchant
  8. Thrice-Holy Hymn – Andrii Hnatyshyn (1906-95) | Prokimenon and Epistle – Galacian plainchant
  9. Alleluia – Kyiv Caves Monastery chant
  10. The Gospel – Hnatyshyn
  11. Litany of Fervent Supplication – I. Tsorokh (20th c)
  12. Hymn of the Cherubim – “Staro-Symonivsky” (18 c?) also attr. to Hyhori Skovoroda (1722-94)
  13. Great Entrance – “Staro-Symonivsky” also attr. to Skovoroda
  14. Litany of Entreaty – Galician plainchant
  15. Father and Son and Holy Spirit – Bortniansky
  16. Nicene Creed – Kyivan Caves Monastery chant
  17. Anaphora – Bortniansky
  18. Sanctus – Bortniansky
  19. Epiclesis (Consecration) – Bortniansky
  20. Hymn to the Theotokos: It is Truly Right – Bortniansky
  21. And All Your People – Koshyts
  22. Litany of Supplication – Aleksandr Arkhangelsky (1846-1924)
  23. The Lord’s Prayer – Mykola Leontovych (1877-1921)
  24. Pre-Communion Litany – Galician plainchant
  25. One is Holy – Koshyts | Communion Prayer – recited
  26. Blessed is He Who Comes – Galician plainchant, arr. Rev. Boniface Malowany (1935- )
  27. We Have Seen the True Light – Galician plainchant, arr. Rev. Malowany
  28. Let Our Mouths be Filled – Artem Vedel (1767-1808)
  29. Litany of Thanksgiving – Hnatyshyn
  30. Blessed be the Name of the Lord – Bortniansky
  31. Dismissal – Fedoriv

Choir Members

Sopranos: Diane Konowalec, Oxanna Lozowy, Lesia Maksymiw, Natalia Onyschuk, Larissa Podilsky, Sonia Shalewa, Oksana Tarnawsky, Sharon Tarnawsky Lilea Wolanska and Markiana Yakymets.

Altos: Dania Choma, Katherine Dudycz, Maria Dytyniak, Lillian Gregory, Christina Haluk, Lubov Kaczmar, Viktoria Khainas, Ksenia Maryniak, Lena Rachmistruk, Maria Slabyj, Irena Szmihelsky and Darcia Wasarab-Rolland.

Tenors: Andrij Nykyforuk, Mykola Nykyforuk, Taras Podilsky, Stanislaw Salapata, Taras Slabyj, Marko Stefaniuk, Andrew Tarnawsky, Peter Tarnawsky, and Yuriy Yakymets.

Basses: Andrew Gregory, Emilian Groch, Andrij Hornjatkevyc, John Huk, Petro Kozyak, Bohdan Kryntsky, Valerian Markevych, Andrij Szymanowka, Bohdan Tarasenko, Mike Tarasenko, Andrij Tarnawsky and Roman Wasarab.


St. George’s Ukrainian Catholic Church Choir of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada is proud to present this recording of the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, according to the traditional Byzantine (Easter) Rite. Our celebrants are His Excellency Bishop Lawarence (Huculak, OSBM) and the Very Reverent Anton Tarasenko, both of whom are accomplished singers, and the conductor is Ms. Irena Tarnawsky.

St. George’s Choir’s rendition of the Divine Liturgy in Ukrainian draws on a wide range of compositions and arrangements, including Kyivan chants as well as richly harmonious pieces from the classical era, eloquently illustrating the unique contribution of Ukrainian culture to the Byzantine heritage of our Church.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of St. George’s Catholic Parish, the choir initiated the CD project We Have Seen the True Light. This recording is intended for the use of individuals who cannot attend Sunday services because of infirmity or illness, and also for the appreciation of the wider Ukrainian community and the general public. We hope that this recording of the Divine Liturgy in Ukrainian will bring spiritual connectedness to all who hear it.

Under Ms. Tarnawsky’s leadership, St. George’s Church Choir comprises of approximately 35 members, ranging from 18 to 70 years of age. The choir sings the Divine Liturgy a cappella, generally in 4-part harmony. Its repertoire includes compositions for Sunday Liturgies and specific Feast Days, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost, as well as the Marriage and Funeral Rites. The choir frequently gives goodwill performances at local extended care facilities and participates in community events in Edmonton and area. Its focus has been and will continue to be, the celebration of our rich Ukrainian liturgical tradition, for the Glory of God and the betterment of His people.

Source: CD Cover